Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rumah Kopi - Router Coffee

Setelah berkutat dengan tugas yang bener-bener bikin beringas, saya dan kawan saya memutuskan untuk melepas penat sejenak di kafe baru dekat kampus, yang bernama Rumah Kopi - Router Coffee. Kafe ini terdiri dari 2 lantai. Lantai bawah untuk non smoking room, dan lantai atas untuk smoking room.

Rumah Kopi - Router Coffee
Jl. Nginden Intan Utara 30-A Surabaya, Indonesia

Interior meja dan kursi di lantai 1.

Logo Rumah Kopi - Router Coffee

Tangga naik ke lantai 2.

Interior meja dan kursi lantai 2. Disediakan juga proyektor untuk menonton televisi.


Hazelnut Coffee IDR 14600

Ice Hazelnut Machiato IDR 15600

Ice Jerman (Jeruk Manis -_-) IDR 10400

Jamur Crispy IDR 16500

Almost done!

Ada diskon 30% yang entah sampai kapan lho :))) Diskon untuk pengunjung baru, karena emang kafenya baru! Hihi try it now before it's too late! ^^

Monday, June 24, 2013

Waroeng Steak and Shake

Hari ini seperti biasa, aku, Ratih, dan Farid (ketambahan Roma sih) makan di Steak and Shake. Makanan yang kami pesan tidak seperti yang biasa kami pesan. Biasanya kami pesan Chicken Cordon Bleu, tapi karena kami ingin mencoba yang lain, akhirnya kami memesan menu yang berbeda-beda.

Waroeng Steak and Shake
Jl. Embong Ploso 27 Surabaya, Indonesia.

Tempat parkir yang luas, bisa muat beberapa mobil dan berpuluh-puluh motor.

Slogan Waroeng Steak And Shake.

Outdoor look.

The gate (?) between the outdoor and indoor.

Indoor look

 The welcome doormat.

Menu yang tersedia.

(Kiri) Milkshake Strawberry Special IDR 10000
(Kanan) Milkshake Chocolate IDR 8000

Ice tea IDR 3000

Tuna Mushroom IDR 15000
Teksturnya tidak menyerupai tuna :s Tapi oke lah untuk harga segitu :)))

Tenderloin Steak IDR 14500
Just like a regular tenderloin steak (?) but kind of crispier xD

Steak Ikan Kakap IDR 13000
Menurutku rasanya paling enak dibandingkan semua! ^^ Even tho the visual is similar with Tenderloin Steak, the taste and texture is different!

Nasi Ayam Paprika IDR 10000
Good enough! But kinda salty.... I guess.

All done!

Untuk kantong mahasiswa seperti kita-kita, Waroeng Steak and Shake worth to try lho! The taste is not that bad but the price is kinda good, rite?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My Polyvore!

All of my set on Polyvore are my wishlist. And these are some of em:




a tale

You can check 'em out on My Polyvore. You can follow if you like though. But, if you don't, then don't. Lol, getting more absurd and absurd.

Monday, September 3, 2012


we used to have same interests. we share stories and another not-really-important-to-say but because it's you, it become important. we used to laugh at same jokes. we used to hang out with no plans, we're spending night with coffee and yummy beverages. with stories and stories again. don't you know, i always waiting for us to meet again. to share laugh together again.

but nowadays, i can't find you. i can't find you who can make me feel happy and blessed. i can't find you who can make me feel comfortable. you're change. everybody changes, i know. but i always feel you're different. i always feel you won't change. but you are now. yes, we still meet each other. yes, we still hang out together. but, the 'you' is not you anymore. you become someone i don't know.

i miss you. the old you. please recovery soon. please back to 'you', the one i used to know.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

gone fishing

Hutan Mangrove, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.

my lil cousin. this is the path to fishing pole.

yay fish! 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tugu Pahlawan

Tugu Pahlawan, Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.

You can find this monument when you about to enter Tugu Pahlawan.

This kid playing around in the bottom of Tugu Pahlawan. Usually kids play sliding there.

Bung Karno and Bung Hatta monument with sturdy pillars.

This is Tugu Pahlawan and Indonesian flag.

Pretty things sold by this man.

ps: all photos are taken by me